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Business Law: An Introduction


Σε απόθεμα

Hardcover, Δεύτερο χέρι, Πολύ καλή κατάσταση 1 Όχι Irwin Mirror Press 421 1993 Boston αγγλικά ,

Meet The Author

This textbook was published in 1992 and is out of print for more than ten years. A new updated and expanded version of this textbook, Business Law an Introduction 2e, was published in 2011 and is currently available in both digital and soft cover versions from Textbook Media Publishing at textbookmedia.com.This first edition is 20 years old, obsolete and not currently in use as a college textbook anywhere in the world to the author’s knowledge. Only the second edition with a very different cover and content are currently in use.
